Authentic Artistry

To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.
E E Cummings

Welcome to Authentic Artistry!

This is a platform which aims to support the personal, professional and artistic development of musicians, performers and creatives. Take a look at the video to find out a bit more!

4th Year Bachelor Student

In Finland we have had countless lectures about performing, particularly overcoming performance anxiety, and while I found those great, this class was actually the most interesting and also I think the most helpful, so much so that I think this kind of course should be in every music school.”

1st Year Master Student

“I really think that you provided a very necessary space for reflection and empowerment through vulnerability which I think is the only way to sustain an artistic career. I am so tired of having to be strong and "hard" and by allowing us to feel safe of judgement I realized that I am not the only one who feels like this in the classical music world. You hold a safe space for all the students to explore difficult emotions and ask themselves questions that will build up the artists they will become. All educational institutions in the arts should have something like this in their programmes because it's the only way we can change all the taboos and issues that affect not only classical music but also other art forms.

About the coach

Do you want to feel fully present on stage, to leave self-doubt in the wings and feel empowered in your artistic life? Do you feel that you want to hit your peak performance without  sacrificing your mental health? Or maybe you want to feel more resilient to the challenges your career has presented and able to face the obstacles that come your way?

Through my experience as a classical musician and as an ICF accredited coach (Optimus Coach Academy), I support musicians, performers and creatives through coaching sessions to develop confidence, openness and an ability to connect to the moment.

During our sessions, I give you time to think, reflect and grow into the professional that you want to be. We will look at and uncover the beliefs that are holding you back so that you can work from a place of trust, freedom and respect. Through coaching, I work with you to find the career that reflects you and your values and support you as you step into your authentic self.

I have had training in Positive Psychology, Acceptance and Commitment Training for Music Performance Anxiety and Neuroscience. I am particularly interested in values driven and purpose driven practices.

If you would like to know more, contact me on for further enquiries or to arrange a free discovery call.