About coaching

As a coach, my aim is to equip people with the mental and strategic tools that they need in order to be able to live and perform at a high level with authenticity and pride in what they do.

I work with individuals and teams from the creative industries to grow and develop their businesses and organisations from the inside out. Together we will explore what it is that will help you to level up your professional life.

During our sessions, I give you time to think, reflect and grow into the professional that you want to be. My role is to be an agent of change in the areas that you identify.

My aim is to facilitate deeper awareness, improve communication with yourself and others and to peel back the different levels of thinking to provide you with more clarity in your life and work. Through coaching, I work with you to find the career that reflects you and your values and support you to unlock your potential.

I am accredited to ICF standard after training with Optimus Coach Academy and have had tuition in Positive Psychology, Acceptance and Commitment Training for Music Performance Anxiety and Neuroscience. I am particularly interested in values-driven and purpose-driven practices.

If you would like to know more, contact me on hello@kittybazalgette.com for further enquiries or to arrange a free discovery call.